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Arcandian Revenant


Date added:MAR 28,2013

Tags: Adventure, Fighting, Strategy, Rpg,

Description:If the Game isn’t working after character creation, UPDATE your flash player! If using Chrome Update your browser as well and you should be all good. Head back into the fray and save Arkandia again this time against the Revenant! Embark on your journey as either an Arkandian or Necretian, save the world and also fill your coinpurse! Aided by your new friend Billy, crawl down into the deepest of dungeons and recover long lost artifacts, use them to destroy your enemies personally or even equip them onto you personal army and engage in large scale tactical combat. Or if you prefer uncover the hidden secrets of crafting and outfit your warriors with your own crafted weapons and armour while you quaff home made potions. Revenant takes everything that made Crusade great and expands it to a whole new level. The Arkandian Legends are a series of stories that you the player live through. Achievements, skills, items and victories in one story follow you through to the next, unlocking new features and advantages as you go. Your actions will determine the course of your adventures and the choices you make can change the very nature of the world.


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