KC Games
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Description:Your target is to reach the Golden plate. Get your Briker to it and finish the level. Use the Arrow keys to move the briker. Normal blue plates will support the Briker in any position. Wood plates can only support half of the Briker's weight. Plates with holes only support the Briker once, then they break, they are fragile. Pink plates with arrows, spring your Briker in all kinds of directions. To avoid this, make sure you put all your briker's weight on a springy plate. Green plates teleport the briker 2 to a new position on the board. Red plates on bridge plates, and will create more plates on the board if the Briker puts all of its weight on them. Finally windows, will restrict your movement on the board. So make sure your Briker does not fall on them!
Top 10 Games
- 1. Wake The Royalty
- 2. Bat That Rat
- 3. Iceman
- 4. Sonic Character Designer
- 5. Trollface Launch
- 6. MORT The Sniper 2
- 7. Blue Archer 2
- 8. How To Make 1 Fish 2 Fish
- 9. Skeleton Park
- 10. Coast Runners

Wake The Royalty
Work your way through the royal castle in an attempt to wake up all the royal family members...