KC Games
Play Free Online Games
Description:The long-awaited sequel to the classic Chaos Faction! Battle your way through 15 new campaign levels with new weapons, characters, moves, and more explosions than you can shake a stick of dynamite at.
Instructions:1 Player Mode:\ \ \ \ Left / Right Arrow Keys - Move.\ \ Up Arrow Key - Jump.\ \ Down Arrow Key - Shield / Stomp.\ \ Z, X - Attack.\ \ Shift - Melee Attack.\ \ D - Drop Weapon.\ \ \ \ 2 Player Mode:\ \ \ \ Player 1:\ \ , / - Move.\ \ L - Jump.\ \ z, X - Attack.\ \ . - Shield.\ \ Shift - Melee Attack.\ \ D - Drop Weapon.\ \ \ \ Player 2:\ \ Numpad 4, 6 - Move.\ \ Numpad 8 - Jump.\ \ Numpad 5 - Shield.\ \ Left / Right Arrow Keys - Attack.\ \ Numpad 0 - Melee Attack.\ \ Right Arrow Key - Drop Weapon