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Description:Gravitas is a relaxing, physics based puzzle game where you rotate pieces in order to free Red Squares. Complete the game once to unlock Hard Mode where all the pieces are invisible! Updates Version 1.2 Level Select has been implemented along with 6 new levels, bringing the total up to 20! Stuck on a level? Come back later! During gameplay, Q will exit the current level and return to the Level Select screen. Just realized that my game isn’t the only Gravitas. Sorry! I should have searched first. Known Bugs: Sometimes a square exits a level and it does not count. Some people are having framerate issues Coming Soon More levels Statistics
Instructions:Use the A and D keys to rotate objects in order to free the Red Squares. Use Q to return to the Level Select screen. Use R to reload current level if you get stuck
Top 10 Games
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Wake The Royalty
Work your way through the royal castle in an attempt to wake up all the royal family members...