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Stabika 3
Date added:JUN 22,2014
Description:Maneuver Kade through the 3rd part of the Stabika series. This time around you can take control of Kade in a whole new way through Defiance mode which really makes Stabika 3 two games in one. The classic push button action scenes are here as well as a all new platform system.
Instructions:Controls are in game tutorial. Here's a quick overview:\ \ \ \ Press A, S, D, Left Up/Right when prompted in adventure mode to survive the challenge.\ \ \ \ In defiance mode, press the direction keys to move, and press the buttons \"A\" and \"S\" to do different attacks. Space bar also jumps. IMPORTANT: To jump up between walls, just press the jump button when next to a wall to rebound, pressing the direction is NOT required.