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Droppin Beats
Luigi's Revenge Interactive
Mario Sewing
Mario & Luigi RPM
Super Mario Ice Tower
Mario ATV in Sonic Land
Mario Space Age 2
Super Mario Time Attack
Mario War
Mario Land
Super Mario Star Scramble 2 - Ghost Island
Mario Great Adventure 2
Mario Kart Racing
Bowser World Destroyer
Mario Bubaboom
Mario Kart Race
Run, Mario
Super Mario Mahjong
Mario Swap Puzzle
Mario Spin Match
Mario Islands
Super Mario Challenge
Hardest Fruit Mario
Mario Hood
Mario Kick Ass
Super Mario Confront Battle
Top 10 Games
- 1. Duck Dodgers Mars
- 2. Primary
- 3. Maggie's Germy Roundup
- 4. A Fair Day
- 5. Techna & The Lost Pets
- 6. Cololor
- 7. Ponder
- 8. Bot Arena 3
- 9. Dungeon King
- 10. Roller Boaster
Duck Dodgers Mars
Cool Cartoon action platform! Daffy and Piggy Martian. Where is the Roadrunner? Arrow keys w...